The GSLA PAC is a non-partisan fund that supports the advocacy of Georgia’s seniors and the senior living industry legislatively. Funded by voluntary contributions, the GSLA PAC supports candidates and officeholders who recognize the value of senior living, understand, and support the GSLA mission, and recognize the need for fair, consistent regulations, business practices, and industry development in Georgia. HOW DOES GSLA PAC HELP?
GET INVOLVED • Who can contribute to GSLA PAC: Participation is 100% voluntary. Any owner, operator, management company, corporate entity, resident, family member, friend, or employee may contribute. Owners, management companies, and employees in the senior living industry are encouraged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other senior living providers from across the state and nation to speak with a unified voice. • Contribution Amount: You may contribute at any level you would like – there is no set bar or standard. You may contribute $250 or $5,000 – the amount is up to you –what is certain, is this every contribution makes a difference in effecting positive change in Georgia. • Get Involved Today: GSLA members participate with the PAC and the Government Affairs Committee to build a network of relationships to engage when legislative change needs to happen. Contact GSLA to be involved in either the PAC or the Government Affairs Committee's year-round efforts. • Contribute to the GSLA PAC: Contributions can be made in a multitude of ways: