Pictured, left to right: Skip Comsia, ALFA Board Member from Texas; Alex Salabarria, Georgia-ALFA Chair; Genia Ryan, Georgia-ALFA President & CEO; Beth Cayce, Georgia-ALFA Governmental Affairs Chair; Michel Augsburger, ALFA Board Member from California; and Horace D'Angelo Jr.'s daughter.
In May 2010, Georgia-ALFA received the ALFA 2010 Horace D'Angelo Jr. Memorial Award. Horace D'Angelo was a founder of ALFA, a long standing board member, and a board member of the Michigan Assisted Living Association. His vision was to support resident centered regulatory oversight through grassroots advocacy that included a strong national organization - ALFA - working jointly with ALFA state affiliates and chapters across the country. The ALFA Horace D'Angelo Jr. Memorial Award honors passionate advocates for seniors.