COVID-19 Resources, Guidelines and Updates from
Georgia Dept. of Public Health and CDC
Did you miss the GSLA COVID CLINIC -
BEST PRACTICES – Two-Part Webinar Series? Part I Presented on Thursday, January 28, 2021 “Best Practices Shared for a Successful COVID Vaccine Clinic" **Click here to download a PDF of Part I** Part II Presented on Thursday, February 4, 2021 “Calling in the Myth Busters” **Click here to download a PDF of Part II** View a list of panelists for each webinar session READ MORE |
For communities that signed up for Walgreens/CVS COVID-19 Vaccine Program: GA DPH has shared the following contacts' email addresses at Walgreens and CVS.
Christopher Cox, CVS [email protected] Ashley Pope, Walgreens [email protected] Georgia COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline at 888-357-0169 If you have questions or concerns, you can contact someone through this Hotline number. |
If your community did not sign up for the Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Program:
For communities that did not sign up through the Federal Walgreens or CVS Partnership Program, please refer to this Provider Contacts Districts Spreadsheet/Contact List for the name of who should be contacted to assist you in obtaining the vaccine. This list is only for Healthcare Providers/Practices requesting to receive COVID-19 vaccination through your local public health department but NOT enrolled as a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider, to participate in the CVS/Walgreens Pharmacy Partnership Program, or affiliated with a hospital. The list is organized by public health districts and counties and includes a form and/or contact information for registration.
GA DPH emergency resupply process for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Alexandra R. Benoit, MBA, MHA, Vulnerable Populations Coordinator,
Division of Health Protection, Emergency Preparedness & Response, Georgia DPH
Alexandra R. Benoit, MBA, MHA, Vulnerable Populations Coordinator,
Division of Health Protection, Emergency Preparedness & Response, Georgia DPH
Emory PPE COVID-19 Resources Page - Printable donning/doffing guide and conservation measures
GA Dept. of Public Health - DPH - Daily Updates
CDC Resources and Updates
COVID-19 guidance provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services
Healthcare Supply of Personal Protective Equipment
Resources for Healthcare Facilities
Optimizing N95 Strategies
- COVID-19 Testing Priorities
- CDC’s COCA Call Recording - Update and Information for Long-term Care Facilities
COVID-19 guidance provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services
- Alternate Care Sites: Infection Prevention Practices in Non-Traditional Environments
- PPE Burn Rate Calculator: CDC’s Strategies for Optimizing The Supply Of PPE
- Hospital and Healthcare Providers Checklists
- Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens
Healthcare Supply of Personal Protective Equipment
Resources for Healthcare Facilities
Optimizing N95 Strategies